C52 #1
I read this random facebook post about pottery, and it finally made me realize that I spend so much time thinking about the music/musicals I want to write rather than actually writing them, especially when I can make excuses like “oh, I don’t have a piano, guess I can’t compose :(“. So, I’m going to try writing a piece every week! (ish - emphasis on the ‘ish’; about to start audition prep so that timeline may need to be adjusted lol). It sounds a bit weird, but the idea is that by pursuing quantity over quality, the quality will naturally improve over time. So, here’s Week 1, inspired by ‘Here Comes Elastigirl’ by Michael Giacchino from The Incredibles 2, along with my notes! (headphones recommended!)
-I forgot to undo the ‘concert pitch’ setting in Sibelius before I exported, but even still, there are a lot of notes that aren’t really feasible (i.e., lots of alto sax notes way up high; same with trumpets and maybe tenor sax; some really low notes for the upright bass). Really, either the instrumentation should be adjusted, or the piece should be in a different key
-I wish the very first melody (the first couple bars) was less segmented/there was more of a callback at the end to those first few bars
-I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing, but I used quite a bit of copy + paste, especially at the end, and with the two trumpets/two trombones, and lots of repetitive drum stuff. However, this was kind of the only way to get this done given the time constraints -there is some...questionable...dissonance in there (is this jazz theory??)
-I wish the B section was a bit more distinctive as a psuedo-half time section
-also missed out on a lot of engraving rules/didn’t really worry about writing in most articulations besides staccatos